Find Out About Our Daycare Policies

Admissions and Enrollment


Slots may be reserved with an advanced enrollment fee equivalent to the weekly tuition amount. This enrollment fee is non-refundable.

Adjustment/Trial Period

A two-week notice is required to withdraw your child from care at Donna’s Little Doves Child Development Center, LLC. Full tuition payment for the two-week notice period is required at the time the Notice of Withdrawal form is submitted whether or not your child will be present during the final two weeks of care.

In the event it is necessary to end our agreement, the parent will receive at least two weeks written notice, except for reasons such as, but not limited to: destructive, uncontrollable, or violent behaviors, habitual tardiness in pick up of child, and lateness of payment or nonpayment. These situations will be grounds for immediate termination. If it becomes necessary to resort to legal action to collect fees, the parent(s) will be responsible for any legal fees incurred by Donna’s Little Doves Child Development Center, LLC.

Enrollment Procedures

In order to enroll your child at Donna’s Little Doves Child Development Center, LLC there is necessary paperwork that will need to be filled out prior to the beginning of care. If the necessary paperwork, fees and supplies are not received, we will not be able to care for your child. All information will be kept confidential.


  • Six month to 3 years old: $380/week
  • 3 to 5 years old: $250/week
  • Before and after-school children: $85/week
  • Summer Care: $150/week
  • Part-Time Care: $170 per week for part-time, $150/week for quarter time
  • Six weeks to 5 years old: $55/day
  • Late Pickup Fee: $5 every 5 minutes


We will accept payment in the form of debit, credit, cash, personal checks or money order.


Receipts will be given for cash payments, or by request. Payments will be tracked throughout the year for tax purposes. You will receive a Year End Tax statement by the end of January with the total amount paid for childcare service from the prior year.

Please note: The Year End Statement is not mailed. It is the responsibilities of the parent to contact us for a Year End Tax Statement.


Payment obligation is based on the time slot you agree to use for childcare, not on actual hours of attendance. Both full and part-time fees will be charged based on contract days including missed days due to illness, holidays, parent vacations or weather. No refunds or deductions will be made for days your child is absent.

Two consecutive no-shows/no-calls are grounds for immediate termination at our discretion. You will be billed for two weeks of tuition. Please call us if your child will not be attending on a given day. If we are unable to reach the phone in time, feel free to leave a message.

Leave of absence
We cannot hold a child’s space while you are not working, on maternity leave, or for parent or child illness, etc. Unless you continue to pay for services. In order to reserve your child’s space during their absence ½ of the weekly tuition must be paid in advance before the scheduled leave. Your child may attend 2 days per week during the leave of absence. Failure to secure the space prior to the absence will result in the loss of your space.

Religious and national holidays

Payment is expected for holidays.
The daycare will be closed in observance of the following holidays:
  • January- New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • February- Presidents Day
  • April- Good Friday
  • May- Memorial Day
  • July- Fourth of July
  • August- Trainings (dates will be announced)
  • September- Labor Day
  • November- Election day, ½ day Thanksgiving Eve, Closed Thanksgiving Day & Day After
  • December- 1/2 day Christmas Eve, Closed Christmas Day & Day After
  • Dates are subject to change. Notice will be given.
Early Closings
  • Thanksgiving Eve- 1:00 PM
  • Christmas Eve- 1:00 PM
  • New Year's Eve- 3:00 PM


Each calendar year we will be closed for two weeks of training. Parents will be given as much advance notice as possible, with a minimum of 30 days. Payment is still required. Parents are responsible for making other arrangements for childcare while Donna's Little Doves Child Development Center, LLC is closed.

Parent vacations
Please notify us at least two weeks in advance if your child will be away due to a vacation. This will be a help in case any schedules need to be adjusted. Full payment is required for any days your child is absent. Remember, you are paying for your child’s childcare space. Once your child has been in my care for one year, you will be allowed one week vacation free of charge as long as a two week notice is provided.

Personal Days

Occasionally it may be necessary to take a personal day for training or illness. There will always be professional certified staff on hand, however.

Open door policy

We maintain an open door policy. Parents are welcome to visit Donna’s Little Doves Child Development Center, LLC at any time during business hours. You are welcome to observe our program as long as you wish. Please understand that we may not be able to give you undivided attention if we are interacting with the children.

Visitors tend to make the children behave in an excited manner that does not usually occur when we are alone with them. Also, your child may become upset when your visit is over and you leave without them. Please keep those things in mind when planning your visit.

Signing in & out

As sign in/out sheet is kept on hand. Please bring your child/children and sign him/her in and out. Make sure that we are aware your child has been dropped off or picked up.

Arrivals & Departures

The center opens at 7:00 AM. Please do not drop off prior to opening without prior consent. Occasionally you may wish to send someone other than yourself to drop off or pick up your child for the day. Be sure to notify any persons doing so of the drop off/pick up time procedure. If there is someone other than you dropping off or picking up for the day this person should be on the pick-up list. No exceptions.


All three meals will be provided:

Breakfast 9:00 AM
Lunch 12:00 PM
Snack 3:10 PM

Food from home
You are welcome to prepare special birthday or holiday treats with advanced notice as long as there is enough for the entire group. Please do not bring any food, gum or candy from home.

*If your child has particular dietary needs or restrictions it must be substantiated by a medical statement signed by the child’s physician.

Please provide a toothbrush for your child so he/she may brush his/her after meals.

Dress for play

Ensure your child is dressed and ready for the day. When dressing your child please keep in mind that we do many messy activities such as painting, playing outside and use many “messy” items. Please do not dress your child in clothes that you would not like to be soiled.

We feel that children need fresh air daily and with weather permitting we play outside at least once a day. In warmer weather we frequent the outdoors more often. Please refrain from dressing your child in sandals as they tend to hinder their running abilities and fail to protect them from ants and other creatures. Children with hair that passes their ears should come with hair pulled up in “pony tail” or some other device to keep hair out of eyes and mouth. This also helps to keep the child cool on warmer days.

Nap/quiet time

All children under the age of five are required by state law to have a rest period while at daycare. Our rest period is generally in the afternoon, from 1:00 to 3:00. To avoid disturbing the children who are napping please try not to schedule pick-ups at this time. If you must pick up your child during napping, please notify us in advance. No drop-offs will be allowed during quiet time.

Diapers/toilet training

Diaper changes are scheduled every hour with the exception of nap time, in which case the child will be changed upon awakening. Each child will be changed when needed. Disposable diapers are used. Please provide a pack of diapers and wipes as stock. I will notify you when the stock is getting low. If you have been notified and the stock runs out during the day, there will be a charge $1.00 per diaper.

Toilet training will only be done when the child consistently shows interest. Please know that this does not usually happen until close to three years of age in most children. The child must be able to remove clothing, wipe themselves, and replace clothing in order for potty training to begin. All children will be taught to sit on the toilet. Training pants or pull-ups are required during potty training. Please do not just assume that your child knows when he/she has to use the restroom and put them in underwear. Cleanliness and hand washing will be emphasized during the training process. Children will not be disciplined for accidents during toilet training.


Your child may bring one toy to play with each friday. If your child brings a toy, he/she will be encouraged to share.

We will not be held responsible for any personal property that is destroyed. No guns or games that encourage physical violence will be tolerated.


Television will only be used during special occasions and rainy days.

Learning curriculum

Donna's Little Doves Child Development Center, LLC offers an educational curriculum. Each child is encouraged to participate in our daily activities. Programs are age and skill appropriate for children ages six weeks to 12 years. The curriculum offers theme-based activities with a focus on letters, numbers, shapes, and more.


The state of Connecticut requires that parents be notified in writing of the disciplinary practices used while in care prior to admission. Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is not allowed. Discipline shall not be associated with food, rest or toileting. Children shall not be subjected to discipline that is severe, humiliating or frightening. The goal of discipline is to help children see the sense in acting a certain way. This is a time consuming task and it is important we remain realistic in the expectation of the behavior of each child. The child’s developmental age and stage will be considered. The actions taken to discipline the child are as follows:

1. Verbal warning and redirect
2. Call to parent for intervention
3. Call to parent for mandatory pick up

Our discipline procedures are consistent so as not to confuse the children as to what they are and are not allowed to do. More but no less than one verbal warning may be given. After 3 mandatory pick ups for any reasons, your child may be prohibited from returning either temporarily or permanently without refund of money.

Daycare rules
Certain rules have been established which are essential to the safety and smooth functioning of the program. These rules are to be respected by the children at all times and include times when parents are present.

No running in the daycare
No climbing, standing on or jumping off the furniture
No offensive language or name-calling
No hitting, biting, pinching, pulling hair, scratching or spitting
Any toys broken by your child you will be asked to replace or pay for
Children must show respect for me and the other children and adults
No guns or knives of any kind (including ones built out of Lego or other blocks)
Use inside voices indoors
Clean up your messes
Gentle touches
Follow directions
Use good manners
Jewelry: We are not responsible for any jewelry or expensive clothing your child may wear to the daycare.


Respect is to be taught and adhered to at all times. Manners will be enforced when children are in our care.

Manners are very important and will be taught daily, including:
Address adults as Mrs., Ms., or Mr.
Answer yes or no questions with yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, or no sir
Chew with mouth shut
Do not talk with mouth full of food
Do not say “I want”. Ask "May I please?"
Use "thank you" and "you’re welcome"
Do not interrupt people when they are speaking. You may say "excuse me" and wait to be addressed.
We will do our best to enforce the rules in your home and incorporate them.


Your child will be visually screened upon arrival, and will be isolated if they are ill. If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, they will need to be picked up:
  • Fever of 101 or higher
  • Communicable disease
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Draining rash
  • Eye discharge or pinkeye
  • Lice or nits
  • Asthma flare up and no medication provided
  • Too tired or ill to participate in normal activities
  • Greenish drainage from the nose
Your child will be allowed to return when he or she is free from medication and symptoms for 24 hours or with a doctor’s authorization to return. In the event that your child is sick, I will try to reach you twice with 15 minutes passing between each call. After that, if I am unable to contact you, I will call emergency contacts. If after one hour nobody has come to pick your child up and I am still unable to contact you, I will make a call to DCF and follow their recommendations. There will be an illness form to be signed at the time of pick up. This will explain why your child has been sent home.


All prescription medication must be accompanied by an administration form filled out by the prescribing doctor. All prescriptions should be in original containers labeled with child's name and address. Any non-prescription medications should be in original containers with the original packaging, child's name and age, expiration date, and directions for dosages.

Children on medication must remain out of care for 24 hours from the time of the first dose of medicine before returning. This is to protect the child in case of allergic reaction. No exceptions will be made. If the child refused to take medication, the parent will be notified and must come to administer the medication. Medication is to be given at home whenever possible, especially eye drops & nebulizer treatments.

Child abuse reporting

We are required by state law to report suspected child abuse. Our primary concern is for the safety of your child, and if it is suspected that he/she has been subjected to abuse, a report will be filed to proper authorities (DCF).


Smoking is not permitted in the daycare or near the premises. If you do smoke, please walk away from the daycare and dispose of the cigarettes properly.


Animals brought to the daycare for show and tell or animal day must have all shot records prepared and be up to date with any immunizations.


We reserve the right to make changes and to update the policies and procedures throughout the year. You will be notified in writing should a change occur.
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